


Today is: Wednesday October 25, 2023

Good morning – 

At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  Thank you.

QUOTE OF THE DAY:   "We don't need it to be easy, we need it to be worth it.”

THIS WEEK is Red Ribbon Spirit Week - “Be kind to your Mind”.  Tomorrow, all students and staff are asked to show support by “western clothing”.

Science Club will meet today during 5th period in Mrs. Kee's room. Please bring your lunch.

Tomorrow is the LAST DAY of the 1st 9 weeks’ grading period.  

NHS Meeting tomorrow 5A and B in Mr. Dungee’s room - all NHS candidates are to attend.

Power of the Pen meeting TOMORROW 6th period, don't forget to bring your chromebook and your lunch.

The Powder Puff game is set for TOMORROW at the football field beginning at 7:00 pm.  The cost is $5.00.  Please come and support our high school participants.

Any 9th-12th grade girl wanting to play basketball, the first day of practice is Saturday, October 28th from 9 am to 11 am. 

Any 7th-8th grade girl wanting to play basketball, the first day of practice is Monday, October 30th from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm.

Practice schedules are in Coach Sarbaugh's room, room 240. 

GOOD LUCK to our varsity volleyball team in District Final Action at Cambridge High School against Shenandoah.  Game time is 6:00 pm.

For Lunch today -  Pizza, carrot sticks or cucumbers with dip, tropical fruit, cookie, and fresh fruit.

Happy birthday wishes TODAY to Audrey Sikorsky from ALL YOUR FRIENDS HERE AT MALVERN.